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【Illy】Y5 Iperespresso 膠囊咖啡機-酷炫黑Y5-BLACK(Y5-BLACK)實體店面跟網路上的價格差好多!!還好逛街的時候沒有傻傻的直接買下去
而且很多時候加入會員以後會不定時送電子折價券,所以其實買到的價格很多時候都比 網站上的標價便宜
- 品號:4819297
- 時尚設計 - 鋁合金機身
- 功能卓越 - 兩款自動杯量預設
- 出眾表現 - 觸控科技搭配萃取
◎時尚設計 - 鋁合金機身
◎功能卓越 - 兩款自動杯量預設功能
◎出眾表現 - 觸控科技搭配萃取亮燈顯示
品牌名稱 | |
功能 |
容量 |
商品型號:Y5 BLACK
商品品名:Illy Y5 Iperespresso 膠囊咖啡機-酷炫黑
顏色:酷炫黑 BLACK
機身大小:14.5 x 28.5 x 24.5 cm
幫浦最高壓力:19 bar
膠囊槽容量:10 顆已用膠囊
◎依照消費者保護法規定,消費者均享有產品到貨七天猶豫期之權益,但退回產品必須是全新狀態且包裝完整 ( 保持產品、附件、包裝、廠商紙箱及所有附隨文件或資料之完整性 ) ,否則恕不接受退貨
保固期 | 1年保固期『自商品售出日一年內 , 如在正常使用狀態下發生故障,保證免費處理。若因人為損壞、自行拆卸、不當使用所導致之損傷不在保修範圍;耗材及消耗性零配件不在保修範圍內。』 |
【Illy】Y5 Iperespresso 膠囊咖啡機-酷炫黑Y5-BLACK(Y5-BLACK)
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進入英語學習論壇下載音頻 去聽寫專區一展身手
Former Sony president Norio Ohga, who helped transform the music industry with the development of the compact disc format, has died at the age of 81, the company said.
The music school graduate served as president from 1982 to 1995 and led the evolution of the electronics manufacturer into a global entertainment empire covering music, movies and computer games.
Ohga, whose talents were spotted when as a student he complained about the quality of a tape recorder made by Sony's predecessor, died on Saturday from multiple organ failure.
"By redefining Sony as a company encompassing both hardware and software, Ohga-san succeeded where other Japanese companies failed," Sony Chief Executive and President Howard Stringer said. The honorific "-san" is used in Japan to show respect.
"It is no exaggeration to attribute Sony's evolution beyond audio and video products into music, movies and game, and subsequent transformation into a global entertainment leader to Ohga-san's foresight and vision."
Along with development of the CD format, Ohga led Sony's negotiations in 1968 with CBS Corp, which resulted in the creation of CBS/Sony Records, now Sony Music Entertainment.
His decision to purchase Columbia Pictures for $3.4 billion in 1989 cemented Sony's position as an entertainment conglomerate, despite initially facing criticism that the Hollywood studio should not be sold to the Japanese firm.
He also designed the Sony corporate logo and oversaw Sony's late entry into the video game market.
In 1993, Ohga launched Sony Computer Entertainment Inc into a sector dominated by established players including Nintendo and Sega.
Despite skepticism even within Sony, the PlayStation console was launched in 1994 and later became a core part of the company's business.
Ohga's career began after the self-taught engineer approached Sony's predecessor, Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corp, to point out the shortcomings of its tape recorder and suggested ways to improve it, according to the company's corporate history.
Impressed with his insights, Sony co-founders Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita made the aspiring baritone singer a consultant in 1953 while he was still studying at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music.
Under Ohga's leadership, Sony revolutionized the music industry with the CD format in 1982, co-developed with Royal Philips Electronics, which paved the way for other digital formats such as DVD and Blu-ray.
Ohga pushed for the 12-centimeter format with 75 minutes of recording capacity to fit all of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony without interruption.
While the CD took off, Ohga suffered a setback when Sony's Betamax video format lost a fierce battle to rival format VHS, which then became the global standard. But he proved he had not lost his pioneering vision and promoted the video game business with the launch of the PlayStation console despite opposition within his firm.
1. What is the name of the inventor of the CD?
2. What year was the CD developed?
3. Why did Ohga push for the 75-min format?
1. Norio Ohga.
2. 1982.
3. To fit all of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony.
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen 編輯)
Todd Balazovic is a reporter for the Metro Section of China Daily. Born in Mineapolis Minnesota in the US, he graduated from Central Michigan University and has worked for the China Daily for one year.